Workshop: Shakespearean Scene Study with Diane D’Aquila, Shakespeare in the Ruff

Shakespearean Scene Study with Diane D’Aquila – LIMITED SPACE!!

A rare five-day intensive diving deep into the rich text of Shakespeare. Take your acting to the next level, working on text analysis & performance, with one of Canada’s foremost actors and classical text expert – Diane D’Aquila.

Shakespeare is recognized as the world’s greatest playwright. As actors we have the exhilarating but daunting task to harness his epic characters and vast emotion and make them uniquely our own.

In this workshop with Diane, learn how to use Shakespeare’s punctuation, heightened language, scansion, verse and prose and to incorporate them seamlessly into your performance.

Dates: Monday Jan 7th – Friday Jan 11th, 2013.
Times: 10am – 5pm
Place: The Danforth Church, 60 Bowden Street

$350 – 20% discount for Equity actors ($280)

To Reserve:

E-mail us at with headshot and resume by December 1 to reserve your spot.

Diane D’Aquila is a multi award-winning actor and has performed across Canada and internationally.  Spending 15 years starring in productions at the Stratford Festival, she is one of the countries experts on performing Shakespeare. She regularly appears at the National Arts Centre, Soulpepper, Chicago Shakespeare Festival, and teaches Shakespeare Studies at the National Theatre School of Canada.