Call for Submissions: Arts Facility Mentoring Network, WorkInCulture and ArtsBuild Ontario

Unique Learning for Anyone Running a Non-Profit Cultural Facility

Take advantage of the Arts Facility Mentoring Network, a year-long opportunity for learning, customized to the individual, and developed together by WorkInCulture and ArtsBuild Ontario.

WorkInCulture and ArtsBuild will match 15 arts and cultural facility managers from around Ontario with experienced mentors from their own or other sectors.

The Arts Facility Mentoring Network gives established leaders in Ontario’s non-profit arts community who are responsible for managing, improving and developing facilities the unique opportunity of one-to-one learning with experienced topic experts.

Individuals and organizations benefit in many ways including improved:

  • business strategies
  • management and leadership skills
  • decision-making
  • communication

WorkInCulture and ArtsBuild Ontario believe that this collaborative program will benefit participants through acquired knowledge and professional development.  We encourage you to take advantage of this exciting initiative. The deadline for applications is Friday November 16th.

To learn more, visit or call us at 416–340–0086.